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A “New Era”? Toward a Realignment of German Foreign Policy after the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Date de publication
07 March 2022

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s speech to the Bundestag on February 27, 2022, announced a new orientation in foreign policy and challenged the principles that had been the consensus in Germany for the past thirty years.

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The Military Use of Small Satellites in Orbit

Date de publication
04 March 2022

The number of small satellites in orbit has increased rapidly over the last decade, and the growth of this sector is expected to accelerate even more in coming years. 

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The Russian-Iran Partnership in a Multipolar World

Date de publication
03 March 2022

The strengthening of the partnership between Russia and Iran depends on overlapping security interests; bilaterally, regionally and on the world stage.

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India–East Africa: A Not So Healthy Relationship?

Date de publication
28 February 2022

Due to historical as well as geographical reasons, India and East Africa have long been close partners. In the recent period however, and even more so since the early 2000s, these ties have tightened as a result of combined efforts by the government of India and its business community. 

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The Shock of Reality: The Traffic Light Coalition in the Russian-Ukrainian Crisis

Date de publication
24 February 2022

The Russian-Ukrainian crisis puts to the test the cohesion of the new traffic light coalition, the authority of Chancellor Scholz and the ambition to adapt the post-Merkel German foreign policy. 

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The French-Greek Partnership: Beyond the Eastern Mediterranean

Date de publication
23 February 2022

The bilateral defense agreement signed by France and Greece in September 2021 confirms the strategic turn of the relationship between the two countries. It was already unveiled in 2020 when Paris supported Athens to counter Turkish maritime operations that France and Greece considered very hostile.

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Convince and Coerce: U.S. Interference in Technology Exchanges Between its Allies and China

Date de publication
22 February 2022

The tough-on-China policy adopted by the Trump and Biden administrations has – and will increasingly have – important consequences for Washington’s allies, both on their infrastructure choices (5G, submarine cables...) and on their technological exchanges with China. 

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Crowded and Dangerous Orbits: European Space Governance at a Time of Potentially Saturating Programs

Date de publication
18 February 2022

The unprecedented growth of space activities, the multiplication as well as diversification of players involved in the exploitation of outer space, and even, more generally, the dependence of all sectors of activity on space infrastructures are some of the main phenomena that have led to a progressive overuse of orbits and to saturation in the frequency spectrum. 

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