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France, Germany and European defence: more pragmatism and less pathos, please

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Visions franco-allemandes
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At the time of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Elysée treaty in January 2013, the Franco-German defence cooperation is not at its best.

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Even though the bilateral cooperation is intense and has permitted various projects, it does not include all areas and still lacks efficiency. Misunderstandings persist and the network created so far between the two countries has not yet proved sufficient to overcome the differences. The disparities over strategic culture, ambitions on the international scene or the defence industry reveal different priorities of the two countries and, consequently, the agreements are often merely rhetoric. In addition to this, in the current context of economic crisis the two governments’ attention is focused elsewhere.

 However, in the light of the international developments an improved cooperation seems inevitable. The shift in North Americas’ zone of interest towards Asia, and significant cuts in defence budgets in virtually of all European member states result in a considerable weakening of the Continents military capacities. Therefore, the bilateral cooperation is a necessity that has to be revived and improved. The author offers several propositions regarding the political, military and industrial sphere; for example, the creation of an investment pool, of a Franco-German Airwing, of a market place for surplus of military equipment and of regional capacity targets. The cooperation has to be consolidated within the European project in order to enable feasible projects that are mutually desired. This would allow Paris and Berlin but also Europe to maintain credible security and defence capacities.

Claudia Major is deputy head of the Research Division “International security policy” at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik).


This publication is available in french: La France, l'Allemagne et la défense européenne : pour plus de pragmatisme et moins de pathos (pdf)





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France, Germany and European defence: more pragmatism and less pathos, please

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Brandenburg Gate
The Study Committee on Franco-German Relations (Cerfa)
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The Committee for the Study of Franco-German Relations (Cerfa) was created in 1954 by an inter-governmental agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and France, in order to raise awareness of Germany in France and analyze Franco-German relations, including in their European and international dimensions. In its conferences and seminars, which bring together experts, political leaders, senior decision-makers and representatives of civil society from both countries, Cerfa develops the Franco-German debate and stimulates political proposals. It regularly publishes studies through two collections: Cerfa notes and studies as well as Franco-German visions.


Cerfa maintains close relations with the network of German foundations and think tanks. In addition to its research and debate activities, Cerfa promotes the emergence of a new Franco-German generation through original cooperation programs. This is how in 2021-2022, Cerfa led a program on multilateralism with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Paris. This program is aimed at young professionals from both countries interested in the issues of multilateralism in the context of their activities. It covered a wide range of themes relating to multilateralism, such as international trade, health, human rights and migration, non-proliferation and disarmament. Previously, Cerfa had participated in the Franco-German future dialogue, co-led with the DGAP from 2007 to 2020, and supported by the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Daniel Vernet group (formerly the Franco-German Reflection Group) which was founded in 2014 upon the initiative of the Genshagen Foundation.

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France, Germany and European defence: more pragmatism and less pathos, please, from Ifri by
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France, Germany and European defence: more pragmatism and less pathos, please