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Renewable Energy

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Self-consumption of electricity from renewable sources

Date de publication
23 June 2015

A report released by Insight_E, the European energy consortium specialised on energy policy research and analysis
Lead author: Joris Dehler (KIT). Authoring team: Dogan Keles (KIT), Thomas Telsnig (IER), Benjamin Fleischer (IER), Manuel Baumann (KIT), David Fraboulet (KIC-IE/CEA), Aurélie Faure (IFRI), Wolf Fichtner (KIT). Reviewer: Paul Deane (UCC), Volker Stelzer (KIT)


Powering Kuwait into the 21st Century: Alternatives for Power Generation

Date de publication
20 December 2012

Kuwait is facing a surge in the consumption of power. The current power fuel mix, based on oil, appears unsustainable. Yet Kuwait has a large number of assets.

Solar Photovoltaic Energy Policy in Europe: Losing Sight of What is Right: Current Developments and Lessons Learned for Policymakers and Industry

Date de publication
20 December 2012

Europe has set ambitious but drastic targets in order to fight climate change. The 20-20-20 objectives demonstrate this. By 2020, emissions are to be reduced by 20%, the share of renewable energy sources (RES) in energy consumption is targeted to rise to 20%, and energy efficiency is planned to increase by 20% in comparison to the 1990 levels in Europe.

German Nuclear: Green Is Good Politics

Date de publication
26 May 2011

In polarized politics, the voter must take on faith the wisdom inherent in the principled political position. Who cannot be impressed by the nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima, especially after living through the fallout from Chernobyl? But is it reasonable to send the voter to the booth with only half the information? Does the German voter have any idea what it means to shut down its nuclear power in just ten years? Have German politicians made any effort to tell them?

European Energy Policy: Energy Savings Glass 2/3 Empty

Date de publication
22 March 2011

Summing up Europe’s climate policies suggests we still haven’t grasped the full potential for energy savings. We act as if we were living in a system with infinite resources easily exploited by human innovation and ingenuity. We focus on the efficiencies we can gain from components of our system, but not on the system as a whole and we do not consider how the other billions of people on earth can achieve our level of comfort with a resource or carbon-constrained future and with aspirations that necessarily imply sharply growing energy consumption.

Renewables in Transport: Directive 2009/28/EC - Devils in its Details

Date de publication
10 February 2011

This Actuelle precedes a longer and more exhaustive paper on Electric Vehicles, under the title "The Electric Vehicle in the Climate Change Race: Tortoise, Hare or both?" by Maïté de Boncourt.

As part of the 3*20 targets reached in December 2008, the EC decided that the EU should, by 2020, source 20% of its Final Energy Consumption (FEC) renewably. 

German Power Options: Lack of Clarity Will Be Costly

Date de publication
22 March 2010

The German environment minister Norbert Röttgen (CDU) revived the German debate about the future of nuclear power in February when he argued for a limited lifetime extension of Germany’s nuclear plants.

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