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Former Research Fellow and Head of Ifri's Center for Migration and Citizenship

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Research Interests :

  • European asylum and immigration policies
  • Global governance of migration
  • Reception and integration of refugees and migrants in France
  • Stakeholders in the field of immigration and asylum policies (cities, non-profit organizations, private sector...)
Biographie En

Matthieu Tardis headed Ifri's Center for Migration and Citizenship from January 2022 to February 2023, where he was a Research Fellow since February 2015. Matthieu Tardis is a graduate of the Institute of High European Studies in Strasbourg. He also studied at the law Universities of Bordeaux and Oslo. Matthieu Tardis worked in a French refugee-assisting organization where he was involved in the enhancement of the expertise on migration policies in France, Europe and Tunisia through study activities and European and international projects.

His research expertise includes asylum, integration, international migrations and their impact on European policies.

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Ramses Conference
Analysis from Matthieu TARDIS
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Europe and Refugees in 2015: A Crisis of Memory?

Date de publication
21 December 2016

Contrary to other immigration societies such as the United States, Canada or Australia, migrations is not a core element of European narratives on shared identity. Each country maintains a very particular understanding of his migratory past and on the extent to which it should become part of the national narrative. The question of a European memory of migration therefore struggles to emerge.

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Le monde selon Trump. Anticiper la nouvelle politique étrangère américaine

Date de publication
16 November 2016

What will become of US foreign policy under Donald Trump? A selection of Ifri researchers has come together to offer their thoughts on this question. Our experts cover an array of topics through 14 contributions, ranging from the future Sino-American relations, through US engagement in the Middle East, to the prospects of a renewed transatlantic relationship. This analysis intends to help readers anticipate the outcomes of this election in order to facilitate decision-making.

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Calais: French asylum system out of gas or failure of the European asylum policy?

Date de publication
24 October 2016

The Calais’ camp demolition operation that has begun on October 24th 2016 is the most significant ever conducted. It follows numerous failed or aborted attempts to dismantle the shanty town and relocalize its inhabitants. 

Right of asylum: history of a European failure

Date de publication
20 August 2015

Since the April 2015 shipwrecks in the Mediterranean, the right of asylum has become a priority in European talks. However, states have remained reluctant and sometimes hostile to measures of solidarity recommended by the European Commission. Such tensions raise the question of the European Union’s capacity to enforce a European asylum policy.

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Refugees and European borders in the aftermath of Paris’ terror attacks

Date de publication
25 November 2015

Just a day after the murderous attacks that killed 129 people and wounded about 350 more in Paris and St Denis on November 13th 2015, the word spread that a Syrian passport had been found near the body of one of the Stade de France’s attacker.

Understanding African Migrations

Date de publication
02 March 2016

Movements of African people, being within their countries, on the continent or heading Europe, have numerous and ancient causes. The term “migration” covers a plurality of situations with many internal as well as international implications. Therefore, reasons to migrate deserve a careful analysis. One cannot tackle such a phenomenon through mere border control policies or their externalization, as the European Union seems inclined to do.

Accommodating Refugees: The Other European Crisis

Date de publication
01 September 2015

The European Union (EU) has been trying to establish a common European asylum system for fifteen years. This project has been stalled by disagreements between states, each looking out for its own national interests.