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Great-Britain Whistle-Stop Tour of the EU

17 December 2015

The consultations on Cameron’s demands were run with the EU members by the head of the European Council, Donald Tusk from Poland. Tusk wrote down what was said and sent a letter to London and other European capitals. The letter was quite peculiar, admits Vivient Pertusot, the head of the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) in Brussels.

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Building Bridges Conversation Series - Luxembourg & Spain

16 December 2015

This new episode of the Building Bridges Conversation Series is part of the "Building Bridges" project, which aims to foster debate on the future of the European Union and offer top quality analyses on how each member state perceives the EU. In this video, Vivien Pertusot, coordinator of the project, discusses with Guido Lessing from the Centre d’études et de recherches européennes (Luxembourg) and Charles Powell from Real Instituto Elcano (Spain). 

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Semi-Mutual Defense: Europe’s Patchwork Response to Paris Attacks

09 December 2015

The offer of active military support to France in Syria or in the Sahel by several European member states is likely to overshadow the absence of meaningful commitment from others. On balance, the picture will not be too disheartening for supporters of the EU: its foreign and security policy apparatus will not come out damaged, but only because it has not been properly tested.



OPEC not to cut output production target in near future

03 December 2015

OPEC will not cut the output production target at the next meeting on Dec. 4 because the goal to defend its market share has not been reached yet, Director of Center for Energy in French Institute of international Relations (IFRI) Marie-Claire Aoun believes.

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Building Bridges Conversation Series - Bulgaria & Denmark

02 December 2015

This new episode of the Building Bridges Conversation Series is part of the "Building Bridges" project, which aims to foster debate on the future of the European Union and offer top quality analyses on how each member state perceives the EU. In this video, Vivien Pertusot, coordinator of the project, discusses with Maja Kluger Rasmussen from Think Europa (Denmark) and Antoinette Primatarova from the Centre for Liberal Strategies (Bulgaria).


What chances do we have to stay below the 2°C limit?

19 November 2015

Jean Jouzel, the second speaker to our conference on Climate Action beyond COP21, shared his insights on the aggregate effect on national climate pledges and adressed the issue of consistency with the globally agreed long-term goal of keeping the average temperature rise below 2°C. Mr Jouzel is a climatologist, research director at CEA and former vice-president of the scientific working group of the IPCC (2002-2015).

Key challenges for COP21

19 November 2015

Yvo de Boer, the first speaker to our conference Climate Action beyond COP21,  shared his insights on what should be the core elements of the Paris agreement. Mr de Boer is the Director General of the Global Green Growth Institute and he was the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change between 2006 and 2010.

How to reflect non-parties contributions? The Taiwanese experience with climate action

19 November 2015

Minister Kuo-Yen Wei, the third speaker to our conference on Climate Action beyond COP21, shared his insights on how Taiwan, which is not an official party to the UNFCCC, is determined to contribute to the global fight against climate change by taking action domestically. Mr. Wei is the current Minister of the Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan, ROC (Taiwan).


"We are at war"

16 November 2015

Ever since the terrorist attacks in January on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket, Parisians knew that barbarism lurked around the corner, and that it would strike again. But it is one thing to know something, to anticipate it, and another to be confronted with the grim reality.


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Ever since the terrorist attacks in January on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket, Parisians knew that barbarism lurked around the corner, and that it would strike again.

But it is one thing to know something, to anticipate it, and another to be confronted with the grim reality.

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Before Paris Attack, the Bataclan Had Long History in Music and Politics

16 November 2015

PARIS — Crowds gathered on Monday to place flowers and candles and pay their respects to the 89 people killed at the Bataclan, as speculation swirled about why the legendary music hall was the target of the most brutal of the terrorist attacks on Friday.


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Nations prepare for Paris Climate Summit

30 October 2015

World leaders to gather in Paris for a new round of talks on climate change. CNN's Jim Bittermann reports.

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Renewables bringing down the cost of clean energy

29 October 2015

Article published in Nikkei Asian Review 

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The French are looking for a fair deal for France and the EU, not just Britain

10 October 2015

France has been ambivalent on the British renegotiation campaign. The general mood is to keep the UK in, but messages are going in different directions. Some are shrugging off the UK’s calls for reform and are not trying very hard to accommodate Westminster. Others seem keener to find an acceptable deal for Britain.


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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

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