Trade, Investments, Technology, Climate Change, Human Rights:How should the EU Deal with China?
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A little more than 40 years since China's opening and reform it has risen to a comprehensive global power which is a strategic partner, but also a competitor and even a strategic rival for the EU. The expectation that China's system of governance would gradually converge with a liberal, open, market-based international order has not been fulfilled.

9:00 Opening
Dominique DAVID, President, Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe, Advisor to the President, Institut Français des Relations Internationales (Ifri), Paris
Dietmar SCHWEISGUT, Secretary General, Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe; former Austrian and EU Ambassador to China
Claudia CRAWFORD, Director, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Multilateral Dialogue, Vienna
9:10 Panel 1: Global governance: Engaging with China while preserving Europe's values and interests in trade, investments and digital economy
Helena KOENIG, Deputy Director-General, DG Trade, European Commission
Reinhard BUETIKHOFER, Member of the European Parliament/ The Greens EP, Chair of the China Delegation
Alice EKMAN, Senior Analyst, European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), Paris
Martin HALA, Director,, former Regional Manager for Asia Pacific, Open Society Foundation, Prague
Moderation: Kristin SHI-KUPFER, Professor, Institute of Sinology, University of Trier; Senior Associate Fellow, MERICS Lab, Berlin
10:25 Break
10:45 Panel 2: Eurasian connectivity: What Strategy, Whose Strategy?
Janez PREMOZE, Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former ambassador to China
Romana VLAHUTIN, Ambassador at large for connectivity, European External Action Service (EEAS)
Peter HEFELE, Head of Asia and Pacific Department, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Berlin
Mario HOLZNER, Director, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw), Vienna
Moderation: Regina FIGL, Head of China Taskforce, Ministry for Europe and International Affairs, Vienna
12:00 Conclusion
Dietmar SCHWEISGUT, Secretary General, Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe; former Austrian and EU Ambassador to China
The conference will be held in English.
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