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Stabiliser autrement ? Les équipes provinciales de reconstruction (PRT) en Afghanistan

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Stabiliser autrement ? Les équipes provinciales de reconstruction (PRT) en Afghanistan

Jadis simple corollaire de l'action militaire, ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler la bataille des cœurs et des esprits constitue désormais l'un des enjeux principaux du conflit et en tout état de cause, l'enjeu majeur de la sortie de crise. Bien que préparée dès le temps de paix, la relation entre acteurs civils et militaires peine traditionnellement à se mettre en place sur les théâtres d'opérations, tant les modes opératoires des uns et des autres sont différents. Justement conçues pour dépasser ces divergences en Afghanistan, les équipes provinciales de reconstruction (PRT) représentent aujourd'hui l'outil de terrain le plus abouti en matière de coopération civilo-militaire.Malgré les ambiguïtés qui persistent entre aide humanitaire et objectifs militaires, en dépit également de résultats aléatoires et de certaines polémiques concernant la pertinence même du concept, les PRT s'étendent progressivement à tout l'Afghanistan qui fait désormais figure de laboratoire pour les stratégies de sortie de crise, au point de poser la question de la portée véritable de l'instrument pour les opérations de stabilisation à venir.

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Stabiliser autrement ? Les équipes provinciales de reconstruction (PRT) en Afghanistan

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 A soldier watching a sunset on an armored infantry fighting vehicle
Security Studies Center
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Heir to a tradition dating back to the founding of Ifri, the Security Studies Center provides public and private decision-makers as well as the general public with the keys to understanding power relations and contemporary modes of conflict as well as those to come. Through its positioning at the juncture of politics and operations, the credibility of its civil-military team and the wide distribution of its publications in French and English, the Center for Security Studies constitutes in the French landscape of think tanks a unique center of research and influence on the national and international defense debate.

Towards a European Nuclear Deterrent

Date de publication
20 September 2024

While major European powers may have to contemplate nuclear deterrence without America, the national flexibility and European financial support required to make it feasible is currently difficult to imagine.

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“At the Other Side of the Hill”: The Benefits and False Promises of Battlefield Transparency

Date de publication
27 May 2024

Recent conflicts have highlighted a key characteristic of contemporary warfare, unprecedented in its scale and impact on the conduct of operations: “battlefield transparency”. 

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EUDIS, HEDI, DIANA: What's behind Three Defense Innovation Acronyms?

Date de publication
25 September 2024

In Europe, with Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine showing little sign of abating, a persistent gap remains between security needs and defense spending. According to a 2006 commitment enshrined at the 2014 Wales NATO summit, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members should disburse no less than 2% of their national gross domestic product (GDP) on defense, out of which 20% is to be spent on equipment and research and development. In 2024, only 23 Allies out of 32 are expected to meet or exceed this target, though a significant improvement from only three in 2014. This total includes the United States (US) devoting 3.38% of its GDP to defense, constituting almost 70% of all NATO member defense spending combined. 

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From Ukraine to Gaza: Military Uses of Artificial Intelligence

Date de publication
10 September 2024

The wars in Ukraine and Gaza show us the extent to which artificial intelligence (AI) has become integral to battlefield operations. 

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Stabiliser autrement ? Les équipes provinciales de reconstruction (PRT) en Afghanistan
Stabiliser autrement ? Les équipes provinciales de reconstruction (PRT) en Afghanistan, from Ifri by
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Stabiliser autrement ? Les équipes provinciales de reconstruction (PRT) en Afghanistan

Stabiliser autrement ? Les équipes provinciales de reconstruction (PRT) en Afghanistan