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Democratic Deconstructions

Issues from Politique Etrangère
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Today’s democratic governments appear less legitimate and their longevity less assured than ever.

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Corps analyses

Trump’s election and the political direction taken in several eastern European states, as well as debates sparked by Nuit debout and criticisms of democratic deficit in Europe are among the indicators of this shift. What is essential is clear understanding of the extent of the crisis in democracy. A new ideological paradigm is in formation and a new power hierarchy is developing. The ways we have understood the world that have dominated for the last 20 years are losing currency. The Case Files section of Politique étrangère gives voice to current debate around the strengths and weaknesses of different democracies.

Relations with Russia raise questions about the ideology of democracy as well as its diplomatic-strategic aspects. Is Moscow a new leading power? Will it become a Mecca for all opponents of liberal democracy? Do its many weaknesses limit its efficiently or encourage its use of force in dealing with weakened democratic states? The Counter Analysis section offers two visions of reality in Russia and possible future strategies: live with Russia or confront Russia?


CASE FILE Democratic Deconstructions

Trump and the crisis of American democracy, by Laurence Nardon

Crisis of the European Union or crises of democracy?, by Sabine Saurugger

Orban and obsessional souverainism, by Paul Gradvohl

Occupy and Ingignados movements: A renewal of grassroots democracy?, by Héloïse Nez and Pascale Dufour


COUNTER ANALYSIS What to Do with Russia?

Living with Russia, by Dominique David

Confronting Russia, by Thorniké Gordadzé



With Trump, Time to Reinvent the European Trade Policy, by John Solal-Arouet and Denis Tersen

Eurasia According to Beijing, by Michel Foucher



The Tesbih and the iPhone: Political Islam and Liberalism in Turkey, by Max-Valentin Robert (read the article in French)

Parallel Programs in Climate and Trade Negotiations, by Cédric Pène, Daniel Ramos and Ludivine Tamiotti

Arctic: Northwest Passage under Tension, by Frédéric Lasserre

The Office of Net Assessment: at the Heart of the Pentagon Think Tank, by Grégory Boutherin

Kissinger, or the Last Diplomat, by Philippe Moreau Defarges



Directed by Marc Hecker

The Fifth Estate: Think Tanks, Public Policy, and Governance, by James McGann and Think Tanks, Foreign Policy and Geo-Politics: Pathways to Influence, by Donald E. Abelson, Stephen Brooks and Xin Hua (dir.), by Thomas Gomart


This content is available in French: "Les lectures de Politique étrangère, vol. 82, n° 1, printemps 2017"

This content is available in French: "L'éditorial de Politique étrangère, vol. 82, n° 1, printemps 2017"

This content is available in French: "Le dossier de presse de Politique étrangère, vol. 82, n° 1, printemps 2017"

This content is available in French: "Le bulletin d'abonnement de Politique étrangère"




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978-2-36567-645-8 / 0032-342 X


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