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North Africa After September 11

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A debate on identity, religion and democracy issues in North Africa, within the context of 9/11 and the "long war against terrorism"

Corps analyses

This 'Note' is the result of a conference organized at Ifri on February 8th 2002, which brought together academics, journalists, diplomats and representatives from civil societies in both North Africa and Europe. It represents the diversity and complexity of the ideas brought up during this conference.

Going beyond initial comments, many other ideas that could help better understand relations between north Africa, Europe and the West in general were also raised during this conference. Amongst them are the attempts made by north Africa’s elite to reaffirm the stability pact that links them to the West, especially to the United States but also to Europe, within the framework of a common fight against Islamism linked to terrorism. The Algerian and Tunisian governments take the lead in this cause in north Africa. They are prepared to engage in the fight against Al-Qaida in return for political support and the re-legitimization of their power by the United States who today plays an increasingly important role, albeit indirectly, in the region. But this 'call of the empire' will not be rewarded as highly as the civil and military elite in the region hope it would be.


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ISBN : 2-86592-130-1 ISSN : 1272-9914



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North Africa After September 11, from Ifri by