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<p><strong>Young Professionals Exchange</strong></p>

<p>From 2007 to 2020, the Franco-German Future Dialogue&nbsp;brought together almost 300 young professionals from both countries and encouraged an intensive exchange on issues relating to the future of Europe. The participants – from the political, scientific, administrative, economic, and cultural sectors – shared a special interest in the neighboring country through professional or academic experience. The Franco-German Future Dialogue was founded by the Cerfa at the Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), with the support of the Robert Bosch Foundation.</p>

<p>Today, the Franco-German Future Dialogue supports a dynamic network of former participants in the Alumni des Deutsch-Französischen Zukunftsdialogs (ADAFA), which offers its members the opportunity to stay in touch with each other, to continue to discuss Franco-German issues, and to engage in the further development of relations between the two countries.</p>


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