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<p class="rtejustify">Since 2015, migration issues have been at the center of European debates and have been worsening divergences of opinion and tensions among Member States of the European Union (EU). The building of common asylum and immigration policies since 1999 has not prevented a series of crises on topics such as irregular arrivals on European shores, search and rescue at sea, dispersal of asylum seekers or the management of internal and external EU borders. These crises highlight the deadlocks of the EU construction process and question European solidarity. Because of institutional deadlocks, the core of EU immigration and asylum policies is shifting outside EU borders with a series of agreements with third countries (Turkey, Morocco, Libya, Niger…). While outsourcing the management of migration flows to these countries, this policy is impacting other regional migration dynamics such as in the sub-Saharan area.</p>

<p class="rtejustify"><strong><a href="/en/recherche/thematiques-transversales/migrations-citoyennetes">Ifri's Center for Migration and Citizenship</a></strong>&nbsp;is proposing policy papers, conferences, and cooperation with European and African experts and research fellows in order to analyze EU asylum and immigration policies with a focus on the following topics:</p>

<li>The impact of the political discussions on the future of immigration and asylum policies on the construction of the EU project;</li>
<li>The role of local authorities, cities and the civil society in European policies on asylum and immigration;</li>
<li>The place of migration issues in the EU external relations;</li>
<li>The impact of the external dimension of EU policies on regional migration dynamics.</li>