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A la veille de Copenhague, Obama et l'environnement

Date de publication
23 November 2009

On the eve of the Copenhagen Conference, this note takes stock of the evolutions of the different U.S. actors on climate change and the environment. The author, Yves-Marie Péréon teaches American Civilization at the Université de Rouen.
With this publication, the U.S. Program at Ifri launches its new collection of on-line notes, the Potomac papers.

Breaking New Ground: Congress and Welfarism in India

Date de publication
14 October 2009

Social welfarism played a decisive role in giving substance to the inclusive policies of the Congress government and the results of 2009 elections show that voters have given a mandate for the continuation of such welfare-oriented policies. This paper tracks the processes that paved the way for a radical shift leading to the adoption of a wide range of policies that reflect a social democratic flavour.

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