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One Year Into the Obama Administration, What Has Really Changed?

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Un an après l'élection d'Obama: quelle est l'ampleur du changement?
Corps analyses

On the occasion of Barack Obama's Nobel Peace prize-giving ceremony a live TV broadcast from Oslo, was organized by Ifri and the Embassy of the United States. The annual conference on the United States, organized by the United States program continued on December 11 notably with Dominique Moïsi, Special Advisor at Ifri, Thomas Heller, L. Talbot and N. Hearn Shelton Professor of International Legal Studies, Emeritus, Stanford Law School, John Bruton, Former EU Ambassador to the United States, Former Taoiseach and Hubert Védrine, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Read E.J. Dionne's article, Columnist, The Washington Post

This content is published in French only - Programme de la conférence annuelle 2009 : Un an après l'élection d'Obama : quelle est l'ampleur du changement ?

This content is publised in French only - Un après l'élection d'Obama : quelle est l'ampleur du changement ?





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Illustration Programme Amériques
Americas Program
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Ifri's work on the Americas region focuses mainly on the United States. Indeed, for more than 20 years, Ifri's Americas Program has provided keys to understanding American society and domestic policy while shedding light on developments in the country's foreign policy, including transatlantic relations and trade issues. 


Since 2023, a specific axis on Latin America structures more actively Ifri's research on this region.


Ifri's Canada program was active in 2015 and 2016.

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AUKUS Rocks the Boat in the Indo-Pacific, And It’s Not Good News

Date de publication
29 September 2021

For anyone who still harbored doubts, Washington made crystal clear from the announcement of the new trilateral alliance with Australia and the UK (AUKUS) that countering China is its number one priority, and that it will do whatever it takes to succeed. Much has been said about the consequences of AUKUS on the French-US relations, but the strategic implications for the Indo-Pacific nations (including France), and for China especially, are also critical to consider.

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Washington-Téhéran : l'élection de Joe Biden change-t-elle la donne ?

Date de publication
30 November 2020

The recent assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the father of Iran's nuclear program, echoes that of Qassem Soleimani in January 2020 and illustrates the policy of "maximum pressure" which has prevailed these past four years. In this context, Joe Biden's election gives rise to high expectations for the appeasement of U.S.-Iran relations.

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L’inégalité du Collège électoral aux États-Unis : comment réparer la démocratie américaine ?

Date de publication
16 October 2020

Since the start of the 21st century, the flaws of the Electoral College, which completes the election process of the president of the United States by indirect universal suffrage, are the target of stronger than ever criticism.

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Trade Wars: A French Perspective

Date de publication
31 May 2018

The Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum announced by the United States in March would, if applied, have little direct impact on the French economy, but rather point toward a broader trend of protectionism and economic nationalism and a widening gap in transatlantic relations that is likely to have far-reaching implications for France.

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Un an après l'élection d'Obama: quelle est l'ampleur du changement?
One Year Into the Obama Administration, What Has Really Changed?, from Ifri by