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No Longer the 'Reactive State': Japan's Pro-Active Free Trade Posture

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No Longer the ‘Reactive State': Japan's Pro-Active Free Trade Posture

In late 2010, the Kan government proclaimed a very ambitious trade agenda, leaving no doubt as to its commitment to free trade. The Basic Policy on Comprehensive Economic Partnerships aimed to promote "high-level economic partnerships with major trading powers" and to "open up the country", including collecting information on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and consulting with the parties to it. 

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These developments signalled a new level of Japanese foreign economic policy activism and an important departure from Japan's typically "reactive state" posture.

The paper offers a multi-factorial explanation for the Kan government's adoption of a pro-active free trade agenda. It also provides an examination of the March triple disaster on the farm sector, given that agriculture remains a major impediment to free trade.


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No Longer the 'Reactive State': Japan's Pro-Active Free Trade Posture

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Geoeconomics and Geofinance Initiative
Accroche centre

Economic questions are approached from a political economy perspective: the evolution of the global economic system, governance and institutions, dynamics and trends of various economic zones (United States, Russia, China, emerging markets...). European issues are at the core of our research. 

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No Longer the ‘Reactive State': Japan's Pro-Active Free Trade Posture
No Longer the 'Reactive State': Japan's Pro-Active Free Trade Posture, from Ifri by
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No Longer the ‘Reactive State': Japan's Pro-Active Free Trade Posture

No Longer the 'Reactive State': Japan's Pro-Active Free Trade Posture