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Paris Naval Conference 2025: Naval Power and the Challenges of Securing Maritime Autonomy

The three roundtables will cover the following themes: 
- Challenges and prospects of navies to secure maritime economy 
- Security for prosperity: safeguarding logistic flows for sustainable growth
- The influence of maritime economy upon naval power: rethiking Mahan in the 21st century 
More details to be confirmed during fall. 
This conference is also an opportunity to promote original research through the

Management Board

Membre depuis

10 years 7 months
Submitted by [email protected] on

Thierry de Montbrial created Ifri in 1979 and is its Executive Chairman. Thomas Gomart has been Ifri's Director since 2015, after having been the Director of Development and Director of the Russia/Eurasia Center. Valérie Genin is the Secretary General of Ifri. Marc Hecker is the Deputy Director and Editor-in-Chief of "Politique étrangère", alongside Dominique David. Yann Roland is the Director of Development.

World Policy Conference

Membre depuis

8 months 2 weeks
Langue préférée pour les newsletters
Newsletter principale de l’Ifri
Submitted by [email protected] on

Founded in 2008, the World Policy Conference (WPC) is a bilingual conference dedicated to helping promote a world that is more open, more prosperous and fairer. This requires an unremitting effort to understand the actual forces at play and the interactions between them, as well as to explore non-aggressive ways of adapting how States connect with each other at all levels, while respecting the culture and fundamental interests of each nation.

Energy, Climate and European Sovereignty

This transition, however, takes place in a geopolitical context that imposes new realities in Europe. Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine has brutally exposed European vulnerabilities due to its dependence on Russian gas. The challenge for the European Union, is to accelerate the necessary transition to clean energy while at the same time avoiding new dependencies and ensuring its energy and technological security, thereby contributing to Europe’s sovereignty.

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