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The Weimar Triangle Three Decades After Its Foundation: Review and Prospects

Date de publication
14 March 2022

When it was founded in August 1991, the Weimar Triangle was intended as a forum for trilateral consultations between the foreign ministers of France, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Poland on the future of Europe after the end of the Cold War.

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F-35: Why Germany is opting for the US-made stealth fighter jet

16 March 2022

Germany wants to upgrade its military with the world's most modern fighter jet. The order is worth billions. But is it a good fit?

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Digital Sovereignty Review of Macron’s Term and Debates in the 2022 Presidential Campaign

Date de publication
15 March 2022

One month before the French presidential election, this briefing assesses the actions undertaken during Macron's term as well as the presidential candidates' proposals concerning France's digital sovereignty.

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The French-Greek Partnership: Beyond The Eastern Mediterranean.

04 March 2022

This week, Ifri, in partnership with CATS Network, is launching a series of five videos on the tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, seen through the prism of the geopolitical rivalry between France and Turkey. 

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The French Military's Perception of the Turkish Military and Turkey's Expansion in the EastMed.

03 March 2022

This week, Ifri, in partnership with CATS Network, is launching a series of five videos on the tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, seen through the prism of the geopolitical rivalry between France and Turkey. 

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Building European Strategic Autonomy vs. Turkish Strategic Depth: Macron's Diplomatic Gamble.

02 March 2022

This week, Ifri, in partnership with CATS Network, is launching a series of five videos on the tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, seen through the prism of the geopolitical rivalry between France and Turkey. 

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Conflicts in the EastMed: from Germany's and France's Conflicting Strategies to a Dual Approach.

01 March 2022

This week, Ifri, in partnership with CATS Network, is launching a series of five videos on the tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, seen through the prism of the geopolitical rivalry between France and Turkey. 

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France/Turkey in the EastMed: a Closer Look at the Rivalry between the Two Countries.

28 February 2022

This week, Ifri, in partnership with CATS Network, is launching a series of five videos on the tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, seen through the prism of the geopolitical rivalry between France and Turkey. 


France and China link up in global infrastructure projects

24 February 2022

Paris and Beijing have agreed to build infrastructure projects in Africa, South East Asia and Eastern Europe. But will this help shine light on China’s opaque foreign investments? Or just give the appearance of doing so?

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The French-Greek Partnership: Beyond the Eastern Mediterranean

Date de publication
23 February 2022

The bilateral defense agreement signed by France and Greece in September 2021 confirms the strategic turn of the relationship between the two countries. It was already unveiled in 2020 when Paris supported Athens to counter Turkish maritime operations that France and Greece considered very hostile.

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Complementarity or Competition? Franco-British Cooperation and the European Horizon of French Defense Policy

Date de publication
23 April 2021

What does future hold for the Franco-British defense partnership after Brexit?

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Muslim Women and Power: Political and Civic Engagement in West European Societies

Date de publication
01 November 2017

This book explores Muslim women’s political and civic engagement in Britain and France.

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Civilian nuclear energy’s strategic dimension

Date de publication
14 January 2020

French stakeholders in civilian nuclear energy are making a full diagnosis of the industry in order to cope with disappointments and lay down the conditions for relaunching programs for building reactors.

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The Aachen Treaty: The Promise of Convergence for a Divided Couple

Date de publication
10 December 2019

The numerous commitments made in the Aachen Treaty concealed a wide range of disagreements over defense, the future of the European Union, economic policies, relations with Russia, and so on.

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Paris and Berlin: History and the Long Term

Date de publication
05 December 2019

Historically, the Franco-German “couple” provided a justification for the European project, and for the Europe that emerged from the collapse of the bipolar order.

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A World of Law? / France and Germany: What's Behind the Mask

Date de publication
10 December 2019

What is the role of law in international relations today that increasingly seem to favour assertions of power?

French Foreign Policy in the Age of Polycrisis

Date de publication
19 November 2019

Under the presidency of Emmanuel Macron, France has set itself the goal of strengthening its international presence, being more proactive and defining the European reform agenda. However, the French room for manoeuver is limited.

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Offshore Wind Power Floating in its Industrial and Technological Dimension

Date de publication
09 July 2019

Europe has become a frontrunner in fixed offshore wind. Can this success story be replicated with floating offshore wind, a technology that would lift the sea depth constraint and thus open up wider market opportunities? This research study looks at the main success factors for this emerging industry.

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Another Story from the "Refugee Crisis". Resettlement in Small Towns and Rural Areas in France

Date de publication
26 July 2019

Since 2015, refugee resettlement programmes have grown significantly in Europe becoming a key component of European asylum strategy. In 2017, Emmanuel Macron committed to resettle in France 10,000 refugees until the end of 2019. Refugees from Syria and Africa are increasingly welcome in small towns and rural areas.

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Regards croisés sur la guerre électronique

Date de publication
17 July 2019

Information dominance through the exploitation of the electromagnetic spectrum has become a cornerstone of military superiority. However, it is now threatened by increasingly advanced electronic warfare capabilities.

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference