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The Future of Europe in the Context of Sino-American Competition

Issues from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication

This special issue of Politique étrangère focuses on the proceedings of the Conference organized by the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri) for its 40th anniversary, held on April 10th, 2019, in Sorbonne University's Grand Amphithéâtre. 

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Anniversaries offer opportunities not only for commemoration, but more importantly for an active reflexion about the future. Major Anglo- American think tanks such as Chatham House or the New York Council on Foreign Relations were founded in the aftermath of World War I; others, as in Germany, emerged after World War II. In the post-Soviet world, major international think tanks must rethink their purposes and cooperation if they want to have some impact in an era of such uncertainty. Who can say what the world will be like when Ifri celebrates its fiftieth anniversary, in 2029? But it is still in its power to protect its soul.


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The Future of Europe in the Context of Sino-American Competition

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The Future of Europe in the Context of Sino-American Competition