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National Production Systems in the New Phase of Globalization: A Transatlantic Comparison

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Les Systèmes nationaux dans la nouvelle phase de la mondialisation. Une comparaison transatlantique
Corps analyses

Since the second half of the 1980s, the global economy has been integrating ever more closely through multiform exchanges and the participation of more countries in these exchanges. In recent years, the integration of large emerging countries into global networks has altered the dynamics of world trade and its impact on national production systems.


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National Production Systems in the New Phase of Globalization: A Transatlantic Comparison


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Les Systèmes nationaux dans la nouvelle phase de la mondialisation. Une comparaison transatlantique
National Production Systems in the New Phase of Globalization: A Transatlantic Comparison, from Ifri by
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Les Systèmes nationaux dans la nouvelle phase de la mondialisation. Une comparaison transatlantique

National Production Systems in the New Phase of Globalization: A Transatlantic Comparison