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The Turkish-Israeli Alliance Ten Years On: Achievments and Future Challenges

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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In 1996, Israel and Turkey signed an agreement for military cooperation. Since then, much has been said and written about this evolving relationship, and political analysts have differed over how to define it. Depending on their assumptions, observers have called the Turkish-Israeli relationship an “axis”, an “entente”, or even an “alliance”. But what exactly is the real nature of this bilateral relationship? What is included; what is excluded? What have the achievements been so far? How will the Iraq war in 2003 and Turkey’s accession process to the European Union (EU) affect the future of this strategic partnership?Murat Metin Hakki graduate University of right of Southampton, program Master of Laws (LL.M.) of London School of Economics (London), of Cornell Law School and Center for Middle Eastern Studies of the University of Harvard.


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