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Towards a New G8: Energy Security and Climate Change

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Recent trends relating to the price of energy, global energy security, and the impact of energy consumption on greenhouse gas emissions led the G8 in 2005 to take on, conjointly, two new policy issues: energy and climate change. This is a recognition that a new concept of collective security has emerged on the international level: that global energy security within a sustainable development context has a strategic dimension, which requires new forms of dialogue and cooperation among nations and new actors. Jean Lamy is Head of the Bureau de la stratégie internationale at the Direction Générale de l'Energie et des Matières premières (DGMEP) in the French Ministry of Finance (MINEFI). He participated at discussions about the Dialogue on Climate Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development, Gleneagles (2005). He contributed to the Mémorandum sur la relance de la politique énergétique européenne dans une perspective de développement durable. 


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