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Russian-American Relations and the Future of Arms Control

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses


The cold war era has been set on its head and, with it, so too have the concepts of «strategic parity» and «mutually assured destruction». Confronted with the endemic dangers of nuclear proliferation, Washington and Moscow cannot rely on unilateral decisionmaking, be it in the realm of missile defence or in reductions of nuclear arsenals. On the contrary, it is time to change the present order by putting in place the necessary measures for new security co-operation so as to anticipate better the new world environment. In this context, the present debate on American missile defence could provide the basis for research into unprecedented solutions between the United States, the European Union and Russia. Furthermore, Russia’s adhesion to NATO would appear to the only way to attain an ambitious, but realistic, objective: aunion of peace from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

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