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Regional Dynamics in the Near and Middle-East and the Limits of Foreign Influence

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses


Aside from the troubled state at present of Israeli-Palestinian relations since the setbacks in the peace process and the resumption of the intifada in October 2000, recent political developments in the Near and Middle East are of major importance for the region’s future. Whether it be the creation of the Palestinian Authority, the succession of new Arab political élites, the Gulf War or the Oslo Agreement, the 1990s have seen the emergence of a veritable “regional system of states”, bound together as much by security questions and perceptions of risk as by geographical proximity alone. In this context, the influence of foreign powers, in particular, the United States and Europe, reaches its limits very quickly when it does not take into account the interests that are considered vital by the regional players.

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Regional Dynamics in the Near and Middle-East and the Limits of Foreign Influence, from Ifri by