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NATO: for a New Harmel Report

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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The article argues that a new Harmel Report is needed for NATO. Today, as in the 1960’s, the Alliance is facing a political crisis that's outcome has the potential to jeopardize the political relevance of NATO in the transatlantic security framework.The currently ongoing work in Brussels on Comprehensive Political Guidance is necessary but not sufficient in giving new impetus to the Alliance and in revitalizing its political role as the main forum for transatlantic security cooperation. Some issues will be raised we believe should be addressed in a new political strategy of the Alliance. Once approved by NATO Heads of States and Governments, both documents could provide a solid foundation for NATO in the future. On completion of the above-mentioned, the revision of the Strategic Concept will come sooner than perhaps expected by those who are skeptical of such reform.

Jean Dufourcq, Rear Admiral (ret.) is Head of academic research at Collège de la Défense of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Rome.

Carlo Masala is Counselor of research at the Collège de la Défense of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Rome and Associate Professor of Political Science in the department of Political Science and European Affairs at the University of Cologne (Germany).


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