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Kosovo: A Deadlock?

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Eight years after Spring 1999’s bombing on Serbia by the NATO forces, the future of Kosovo remains very uncertain. But everybody agrees on one point: status quo is unbearable and the UN administration over the province is no longer possible. However, no negotiated solution seems to be implemented. The Albanians want nothing but independence, an option Belgrade cannot accept. The contradictions of the 1999 war can contribute to explain Kosovo deadlock. This situation is fraught with terrible threats for the whole region. Whatever the solution, it will not be the end of Yugoslavia’s splitting process, but will open a new era for the definition of regional balances.Jean-Arnault Dérens, analyst of the Balkans and journalist, is co-founder and Chief-Editor of the Courrier des Balkans. He recently published Kosovo, année zéro (Paris, Paris-Méditerrannée, 2006) and, with Laurent Geslin, Comprendre les Balkans, histoire, sociétés, perspectives (Paris, Non Lieu, 2007). 


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