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Japan: Yes, Reform is Possible!

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses

Masato Kitera is invited fellow of the Ifri Asian Center


As an introduction to a series of articles on various facets of Japan, this article describes who governs the country, the modalities of work, administrative reforms under consideration, and the expectations of the Japanese people. Backed by popular support, the Koizumi government pursues its own agenda. After its astute diplomatic handling in the period following the September 11 attacks, the Koizumi government may attempt to pass a law entitled 'the fundamental law on the security of Japan'. A State programme, 'Koizumi’s vision', will be elaborated, with the participation of the population, through internet. The new Prime Minister is bringing profound change to Japanese political life, but he will have to deal with people who react in real time.

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