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Globalisation: The Era of Refusal

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses

The 9/11 terrorist attack didn’t break the anti-globalization movement’s momentum contrary to expectations, even if it had to fit these new circumstances. The movement is a revolutionary one but in a new way. Its aim is not to seize the power. It is to counter the neo-liberal hegemony in order to enforce 'another world'. This 'global justice movement' is sustainable because it is in a way a summary of different trends –a society’s counter-movement, a neo-protectionism, a 'neo-Third-Worldism', new social movements and a new anti-Americanism- and a response to three big crises, namely, left wing, democracy and globalization. However, uncertainty is the characteristic of the future of the movement, due to the big challenges it has to take up and due to its difficulties to define and implement an alternative.

Eddy Fougier is a Research Fellow at Ifri, specializing in reactions to globalization.

This content is published in French - Mondialisation : l'ère des refus



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