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French Foreign Policy: It's Time to Choose

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses


For the first time, Foreign Policy issues are at the heart of a French presidential campaign. What is at stake, beyond personal dimensions, is the very redefinition of French diplomacy: the relation to the United States, the role of France in Europe, its message to Africa and the Middle East, are among the first tasks to be handled by the next President. Misunderstandings must be cleared up, and clarifications must be coined, when it comes so settle the next diplomatic agenda. New guidelines must be proposed as far as the substance of France's vision is concerned, but also as regards the reshaping of her diplomatic tool. What does France want for the world and for itself? How does it intent to pursue its goals?

Frédéric Charillon, Professor in Political Scinces, is a Researcher in the Centre d'études et de recherches de science administrative (CERSA, Paris 2- Pantheon Assas). Author of many works, he has edited the Relations internationales (Paris, La Documentation française, 2006).


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