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The European Union and its Neighborhood: Towards a New Contract

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses


The ENP (European Neighborhood Policy) initiated by the Commission in 2003 is aiming at strengthening the cooperation between the enlarged EU and the countries located eastwards and southwards. The geographical scope and the new methodology implemented by the EU contain two main innovations. In this respect, EU concerns may contradict the neighboring States that wish to have an easier access to the EU labor market. The encouragement given to the partner countries to internalize market rules may however have a significant positive outcome and induce a win-win process. Through the action plans, a progressive adjustment of the respective jurisdiction should give a new impetus to economic relationships between the EU and its neighbors. Such a scenario would require from the partner countries a strong political will while neither the perspective of membership nor the access to the 'four freedoms' have been mentioned by the EU as possible counterparts.

Gilles Lepesant, is geographer, Research Fellow at the 'Territoriality and Identity in European Domain' Laboratory (TIDE)at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS).


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