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Enlargements of the EU in the Western Balkans: Situation and Perpectives

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses


In the Western Balkans, only Croatia and the Republic of Macedonia are currently recognized as EU candidates. All the other states are still waiting for Stabilization and Association Agreements (SAA) or candidate country status. Firstly, the ethnical and religious mosaic of Balkans is described with a reminder of its tumultuous history, ending with the agony of Yugoslavia. Secondly, recent economic developments are outlined. Needs for large-scale support from the EU—a basic condition for future recovery—are finally emphasized and quantified.Michel Gaspard, after a career beginning in France (Ministry of Finance, Planification, Equipment), has occupied since 1991 varied positions in the European Institutions (BERD, European Commission...). He is currently responsible for a European Agency project of technical assistance for the reconstruction of Serbia.


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