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African Elite and the United States Diplomacy of Intelligence

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses

Read the full text in French (pdf).


French immigration policies together with a failed African higher education system have led African French-speaking researchers to emigrate to an unprecedented destination, considering the language barrier: the United States. Their arrival is facilitated by an external policy led by philanthropic institutions wishing to create scientific communities uniting both American and African researchers, and an internal policy contributing to the progressive U.S. supremacy on African studies. This strategy undermines to the profit of the U.S. the perpetuation in Africa of the French influence.

Jean-Philippe Dedieu is PhD. Student at the School of High Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS, Paris).
This article is published in French only (original title: 'Les élites africaines et la diplomatie scientifique des Etats-Unis'.)


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